At The Learning Spectrum, there is a wide range of clinical terms we use to describe our approach, care and treatment of our students. We use them in our conversations, on our website, and in our correspondences to our families. Some of these words may be familiar; others may not.

In an effort to answer your questions or shed some light on the frequently used terms you may hear, we’ve defined them for you all in one place.

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA). This involves analyzing and studying problem behaviors, and creating appropriate behavioral interventions. We use ABA to create an evidence-based curriculum that meets the needs of each individual student.

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). This is a type of communication that expresses thoughts, needs and emotions without the use of oral speech. TLS’s speech therapists help children and adolescents develop their communications skills by using gestures, facial expressions, symbols, pictures or writing. Electronic devices or communication boards are also used. AAC may increase a child’s interaction with others, performance at school, or self esteem.

Fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are the movements or actions of small muscle movements, such as the hands and fingers. We use fine motor skills to pick up small objects, draw, and write. Many of our services at TLS are geared to help our students improve their fine motor skills.

Gross motor skills. Gross motor skills involve large muscle and whole body movements. Walking, running, standing and climbing stairs are examples of gross motor skills. These are skills we work on at TLS.

Inclusion. Inclusion is being included and welcomed as part of a school, community, or group. At TLS, we strive to help all of our students achieve their fullest potential as part of their community, whether it’s their classroom, school or favorite activity.

Sensory processing. Sensory processing is our nervous system’s ability to receive sensory messages and respond with an appropriate action. When our brains don’t receive the messages correctly, it becomes challenging to perform everyday tasks. At TLS, we use movement and play to promote improved sensory processing for our students.

Therapeutic. Therapeutic means to help or to treat. We provide therapeutic services and therapies at TLS, and the goal of the service or therapy is to treat, heal or relieve the problem.

We hope this information has been helpful to you. As always, if you have any questions, or a term isn’t listed here, feel free to give us a call at 614-844-5433.