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Autism Awareness Month Recap

This year’s Autism Awareness Month has been a fun, memorable and busy time for all of us at The Learning Spectrum! Thank you to everyone who participated in our many events, and for helping to increase [...]

Golf4Autism Update

Plans are underway for The Learning Spectrum’s 2017 Golf4Autism golf outing! It will be held on Friday, June 16 at Glenross Golf Club. Registration will begin at noon, with tee-off at 1:30. Lunch and dinner [...]

Hello Summer Enrichment Camps

  This summer, TLS is offering two amazing, fun-filled enrichment camps for kids on the autism spectrum and their peers. Art and Drama camp will be held June 12-15, and will feature creative fun while [...]

TLS Student Transitions to Public Schools

Carson first started receiving inclusion services from The Learning Spectrum while enrolled at Cypress Christian School during his seventh grade year. Now 15, he is enrolled in Hilliard City Schools, doing well and running on [...]

2017 Summer Camp Registration is Here!

  TLS's Summer Camp plans are underway and we're excited for another great summer program! This summer's camp will run Monday through Thursday, June 19 to July 13,  from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Each [...]

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